Many organizations, including the Navy Seals, evaluate people using the P-T Grid. The P-T Grid is a 3 x 3 grid that contains low, medium and high values for two character traits. Those traits are:
Trust (ability to keep promises, ability to put others' interests before ones own)
Performance is the ability to get a task completed, within risk, time, quality, budget requirements. Performance also encapsulates the ability to do so with minimal chaos or collateral damage (such as ruined relationships or damaged equipment).

Trust is developed by acting in ways that people can depend on a person to behave in certain ways. It's tied to dependability. Trust gives a feeling of confidence and security that a person cares about your needs as much as, and perhaps more, than their own.
Trust can be developed by consistently doing as said, and by being thoughtful about the another person's needs.
Low Trust High Performance | Med. Trust High Performance | High Trust High Performance |
Low Trust Med. Performance | Med. Trust Med. Performance | High Trust Med. Performance |
Low Trust Low Performance | Med. Trust Low Performance | High Trust Low Performance |
In most organization, the high trust high performance individual is the star, the person who can be trusted to do as needed.
But an interesting thing starts to get exposed, especially with people who have important jobs, like the Navy Seals. They would prefer a High Trust individual who has Moderate Performance over a Medium Trust individual who performs well.
This indicates that the values of trust and dependability overshadow the quality of work.
All people in the Low Trust category either get moved out or fired and people with high trust are retained or groomed for advancement.
Regarding kung fu, this grid applies as well. If you wish to be viewed as having good potential for advancement, it doesn't matter as much how good your skills are - or even how quickly you learn (performance). What matters is that you attend consistently and can be depended on to do as you say.
When trust is high, a sifu will take you under his or her wing, and you will be offered opportunity for a more covivial relationship where you will gain knowledge that often does not come up in class.
With this knowledge of the 3x3 Trust-Performance Grid, you will have a new tool to help direct your growth and advance in kung fu, life and business.